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The data transmission is done basically in the form of audio frequency. First it is converted into electrical signals. Then the process of signal filtration is done. After the filtering process is completed this signal is amplified with the help of power amplifier and AF ...

This process is used in the receivers to recover the original signal coming from the sender end in modulating form. We can say that its function is opposite to that of modulation process. As we have discussed earlier that signal transmission is done by superimposing the ...

In Pam each sample is directly proportional to signal amplitude. Generally it is used for the modulation of the carrier wave The part (a) of figure represents the modulating signal. In part (b) of the figure, a PAM having double polarity is used. Part(c) shows, a PAM having ...

The transmission of analog data or speech which is in continuous form is known as pulse modulation. At some certain levels or points, the wave formation can be seen in a pulse modulation system. In this synchronizing, pulses are sent with the information related to the signal ...

1. In case of frequency modulation the change in amplitude may be due to noise. If we make use of amplitude limiters in FM receivers then we can completely vanish this noise effect. 2. FM waves are waves having constant amplitude. These are independent of the modulation. So, ...

In frequency modulation the variation in frequency of the carrier wave happens due to the instantaneous value of the modulating voltage. In this case the amplitude is made constant. The equation of the wave before modulation is shown below: x, A, ω, Φ represents the angular frequency, ...

Amplitude modulation is the process in which instantaneous amplitude of audio frequency is directly proportional to the amplitude of the high frequency carrier wave. Formula used to calculate the depth of modulation is M=Vm / Vc = Vmax - Vmin / Vmax + Vmin The ...

Modulation is a process in which the audio signal having very low frequency is put on a sine wave having frequency higher than that of the audio signal. The equation which represents the sine wave is given below: In the above equation E represents the maximum voltage ...

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