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Indicators are the substances which indicate by change in color, the completion of the chemical reaction. We know that litmus solution is red in the acidic region and blue in the basic region. A number of weak organic acids can act as indicators if the ...

Let us consider the concentration of water remains constant, the equilibrium constant for hydrolysis reaction called hydrolysis constant may be written as: Kh = [HX] [OH-] / [X-] ………………………………. (1) The following equilibrium also exists in solution. For weak acid HX, HX H+ + X- So that Ka = ...

Hydrolysis is the interaction of anion or cation of the salt with water to produce an acidic or basic solution. For example: An aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidic whereas the aqueous solution of the sodium acetate is basic in character. However, salts of strong ...

The second dissociation constant is very small than the first dissociation constant and therefore, the concentration of H3O+ is obtained only from the first dissociation constant: H2S + H2O < -------------> H3O+ + HS- Initial concentration: [H2S] = 0.10 [H3O+] = 0 [HS-] = 0 Let the amount of H2S ...

Bronsted acids which can donate more than one proton are called Polytrophic acids or polybasic acids. For example, oxalic acid and sulphuric acid have two ionizable protons per molecule of the acid, which can be donated. These are called dibasic acids. Phosphorous acid H3PO4 which ...

We know that HF < -----------> H+ + F- Ka (acid) x Kb (conjugate base) = Kw = 1.0 x 10-14 Ka = 6.8 x 10-4 (given) Kb (F-) = 1.0 x 10-14 / 6.8 x 10-14 = 1.47 x 10-11 Hence, the dissociation constant of conjugate base of HF is: Kb ...

Sorensen in 1909 discovered a new tern for expressing the concentration of hydrogen ions known as pH or pH scale. The pH of a solution is defined as: The negative logarithm of the H3O+ ion concentration in moles per litre. Mathematically, it may be expressed as: pH = ...

Conjugate acid and base are related as: Base + H+ acid Acid H+ + base Let us consider a weak acid, HA HA (aq) + H2O < ---------------> H3O+ (aq) + A- (aq) Ka (HA) = [H3O+] [A-] / [HA]...................... (1) The conjugate base, A- behaves as ...

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