When natural element like Uranium (U238) with neutrons having some velocity is bombarded, single neutron is being captured per atom of the element Uranium which gives birth to an element having higher mass number which is known as Transuranic Element. It was discovered in the ...
Induced Radioactivity is a type of Artificial Radioactivity. A process in which a new radioactive isotope is prepared by using a known element is known as Induced Radioactivity. This concept was discovered by Frederic Joliot and Irene Curie in 1934. In this some light weight elements ...
An example of Transmutation brought by high speed Deuterons: 3Li6 + 1H2 ------> 3Li7 + ...
When one element is converted into another element artificially then it is known as Artificial Transmutation. It is a type of artificial radioactivity. This concept came in the year 1919 i.e. 20years after the radioactivity was discovered. Rutherford discovered the concept of Artificial Transmutation of Elements ...
Induced radioactivity is a type of artificial radioactivity. Nuclear reaction mostly involves heavy nucleus products and particles like an electron, a deuteron, a proton, a neutron or a α-particle and very rarely a γ-photon. The nucleus which is heavy can be or cannot be stable. ...
Nuclear reactions are broadly categorized in two different ways which are given below: a. Natural Radioactivity b. Artificial Radioactivity Natural Radioactivity: In this type if nuclear reactions there are a spontaneous change in the nucleus i.e. the nucleus changes itself. Hence in this type of category their can only be one ...
Difference between Nuclear reaction and Chemical reactions are as follows: NUCLEAR REACTION CHEMICAL REACTION Nuclear reaction takes place in the atom’s nucleus. Electrons in the atom are responsible for chemical reactions. Nuclear Structure of atomic species changes. Nuclear Structure of atomic species remains ...
A nuclear reaction involves the splitting of nuclei, usually producing something unstable and releasing neutrons. After a nuclear reaction, a process of emitting radiation (alpha beta and gamma) occurs for it to gain stability. There are many ways by which Nuclear reactions differ from chemical ...