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Brown algae are also known as phaeophyta. It is basically marine in its habitat. They have no unicellular forms and their body is differentiated into different parts. The largest algae belong to brown algae which are known as Kelps. They have air vesicles to provide ...

Red algae are also known as Rhodophyta. They are basically marine in their habitat and are autotrophic. They do not have motile stage. They can be unicellular, filamentous or ribbon shape. Some of them are macroscopic. They are known as red algae due to their ...

Algae and fungi live in aquatic habitat. They have thallus and there is no differentiation of leaves and roots. Mitospores are the main methods of asexual reproduction. There is no gametic union and sex organs are single celled and uncovered Fungi require organic matter for their ...

They have thalloids with chlorophyll. In this there is no embryo stage and non jacketed gametangia are present. In the previous classifications algae were placed in plant kingdom. While in five kingdom classification algae are groped in monera, protista and plantae. Their structure varies ...

Plantae are defined as multi cellular organisms which produce their food by photosynthesis. They are also known as metaphyta. Mainly in the old classification plant kingdom is divided into three groups which are thallophytes, bryophytes and tracheophytes. Thallophytes include fungi and algae. In this group ...

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