There are mainly two types of interactions between members of a species. They are known as cooperative and competitive interactions. In cooperative interactions the other members are helped. It includes mating, parental care, group formation, altruistic behavior, communication etc. The mating is also known as ...
The origin of species is also known as speciation. The new species develop from the already existing species. There are a lot of factors which play an important role in the development of new species. The genetic drift removes the certain genes of a particular ...
It is defined as a non ability of the different species to perform inter breeding. It helps to make the separate identity of species. If it does not exist the characters will inter mix and the distinction of species will diminish. So, it will be ...
There is a phenomenon in which the organisms have many forms known as polymorphism. They occur in colonies. The honey has different stages of larva and pupa. The colony has different type of individuals. They are drone, worker and queen respectively. They also occur in ...
The species constitute a group of organisms which are quite alike in morphology, behavior and function. But it is not necessary that they resemble in all these features. The reason for their non resemblance is due to many factors. There developmental stages in life cycle ...
The hierarchy is an organizational form in which some components regulate the activity of other components. They are of different types and can be physical, biological or ecological. The physical hierarchy includes the smallest structural units. They can be living or non living. It includes neutron, ...
The ecology is defined as a branch of biology which deals with almost all aspects of organism and is concerned about its interactions with the environment. Reiter was the first one to use the term ecology. Reiter was also supported by Haeckel. It includes distribution, ...
The earth is mainly formed by the water. It makes more than the 80 percent of the earth surface. The earth is also known as the water planet. The water resources are of different types. They can be fresh water or ocean water resources. The fresh ...