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The periplaneta Americana is also known as cockroach. They are found in dark and damp places. They occur in kitchens, restaurants, underground drains, ships and wagons etc. They are nocturnal and omnivorous. They also show cannibalism and are cursorial. They are oviparous and have separate ...

Lepisma is also known as silver fish. It is a common domestic pest which occurs in dark, cool and damp areas. It moves swiftly and avoids being exposed to light. It is a wingless soft body insect which is covered with the scales. They have ...

The body of insect is divisible as head, thorax and abdomen. The head has eyes, antennae and mouth parts. The mouth parts are associated with the mouth. Thorax consists of prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax. Each segment has a couple of legs and so there are ...

The cancer is also known as rock crab. As the name suggests it occurs in rocks and sand. It is carnivorous and attacks its prey by legs. They show indirect development. Their body is divided into cephalothorax and abdomen. They have stalked eyes with small ...

The palaemon are also known as prawns. They reside in river and feed on algae, mosses and insects. Their main respiratory organs are gills. They have unisexual and bisexual forms and show sexual dimorphism. They are edible. Their body is divided into cephalothorax and abdomen. ...

The phylum arthropoda is divided into different classes like crustacea, chilopoda, diplopoda, insecta and arachnida. The crustacea are divided into cephalo thorax and abdomen. Dorsally, it is covered by carapace and has couple of antennae and compound eyes. They have the green glands for excretion ...

The arthropoda are also known as the animals with jointed feet. Aristotle described it and Lamarck divided it into three classes such as crustacean, hexapoda and arachnida. Von Seibold proposed the arthropoda. They are found everywhere on land, soil, sea and fresh water and also ...

The hirudinaria is also known as cattle leech. It may occur as a free living or parasite. It is a free living in ponds, streams and rivers. It acts as a parasite on cattle. It feeds on blood and has an anticoagulant known as hirudin. ...

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