The uncontrolled growth of population has an adverse effect on the development. As more is the population and more is the requirement of resources. Every year around one fifth of billion people are added to the population. There is requirement of 15 million jobs and ...
There are many factors which affect the human population. These include the geographic, demographic and socio economic factors. The geographic factors include climate, soil factors, natural resources and transport facilities. The climate plays a crucial role in the growth of human population. The areas with ...
The human population is more than 5 billion. It is the most abundant species which has a great competition from the insects and fishes. The human beings are adapted to the climate and edaphic factors. Most of the animals have a specific breeding period. But ...
There are multiple factors which affect the size and density of the population. It includes natality, mortality, emigration and immigration. The natality is defined as the rate at which new individuals are formed. This may occur due to reproduction, hatching or germination. The biotic potential ...
It is defined as the permanent aggregation of individuals of the same kind which occur in a particular area at a particular time. Their ranking is lower than the species. The species has many populations. The population is described by time, space, number and kind. ...
The competitive interaction is also known as the competition. It is defined as a rivalry between the organisms for the same resources. It can be intraspecific or interspecific. The intraspecific competition occurs among the members of same species. It is done to obtain food, mate ...
There are mainly two types of interactions between members of a species. They are known as cooperative and competitive interactions. In cooperative interactions the other members are helped. It includes mating, parental care, group formation, altruistic behavior, communication etc. The mating is also known as ...
The origin of species is also known as speciation. The new species develop from the already existing species. There are a lot of factors which play an important role in the development of new species. The genetic drift removes the certain genes of a particular ...