The trichinella is known as trichina worm. It acts as a parasite in the small intestine of human beings. It also involves domestic animals. The females move to intestine through lymph capillaries and give birth to offspring. They affect the voluntary muscles via blood and ...
The enterobius is also known as pin worm. It occurs in caecum, colon etc. and is common in children. The females move to the anus of host and lay eggs. The patient scratches these areas and they are transported into the mouth. They have couple ...
The wuchereria is also known as filarial worm. It acts as a parasite in the lymphatic system of human being. They are the primary host and have mosquito as their intermediate host and are known as digenetic. The filarial forms microfilariae which reach the gut ...
The ancylostoma is also known as hook worm. It acts as a parasite in the small intestine of man with no intermediate host. There are sharp cutting teeth present on the buccal capsule of the hook worm. They cut the inner lining of intestine and ...
The ascaris is also known as the intestinal round worm. It acts as a parasite in the small intestine of human being and is common in children. It acts on the half digested food of host, blood and the fluid of alimentary canal. They respire ...
The nematoda are also known as round worms. They were proposed by Gegenbaur. It acts as a parasite on plants and animals and causes agriculture and health related problems. They are aquatic and also occur in the soil. They arise from the three germ layers ...
The taenia solium is also known as pork tapeworm. It acts as a parasite and is found everywhere in the world. They occur in the small intestine of human and infect the muscles of pig which act as a secondary host. They do not have ...
The fasciola is also known as liver fluke. It belongs to class trematoda. It occurs in the liver of sheep and goat. Snail is the intermediate host .It feeds on bile, blood and lymph of the host. The anus is absent. The indigested food is ...