Chrysophytes mainly includes diatoms which occur in aquatic and moist habitats. They may float free or may occur at the bottom. They have gliding type of movement with mucin. They have frustules made of silicon which do not decay easily. They aggregate at the bottom ...
Dinoflagellates are marine photosynthetic protists. They occur in large number and cause water to look red. Some of the emit light and this property is referred as bioluminescence. They have photosynthetic mode of nutrition. They are unicellular, motile, golden brown colored organisms. Their color ...
The major groups of Kingdom Protista are as follows: 1. Photosynthetic protists 2. Consumer - Decomposer protists 3. Protozoan protists. Photosynthetic Protists are the main type of protists. It has pigments which help in photosynthesis. It includes bi flagellates, chrysophytes and euglenoids.
In Kingdom Protista organisms show both the modes of reproduction that is sexual as well as asexual. Asexual method includes fission, plasmotomy, spore formation and budding. In Binary Fission a parent bacteria undergo mitosis and give rise to two individual cells. In multiple fission parent ...
There are different modes of locomotion in Protista. It includes pseudopodial, flagellar, ciliary, wriggling and mucilage propulsion. Pseudopodial Locomotion: It is of the slow, creeping type of motion. Pseudopodia play an important role in it. They are further divided into lobopodia, filopodia, axopodia and reticulopodia. Filopodia ...
Kingdom Protista consists of unicellular eukaryotes. They act as a bridge between prokaryotic organisms and multi cellular eukaryotes and complex organisms including fungi, virus, plants and animals. It was discovered by Ernest Haeckel in 1866. They mostly occur in aquatic environment. Some of them act ...