There are many latitudinal zones on the earth. It includes the tropical zone, temperate zone and the polar zone. The tropical zone is also known as the Torrid Zone. It occurs between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. The sun rays are ...
The habitat is defined as a specific place occupied by an organism. It can also be occupied by the population or community. It may occur in the biotic or abiotic environment. It is also defined as the addition of environmental factors which play a vital ...
It is also presented in a graph form which denotes the energy present in per unit area and time at the various trophic levels. It deals with multiple trophic levels with producers forming the base and the top carnivore occurs at the tip. The energy ...
The organic matter present in an organism denotes to the biomass. It can be fresh or dry weight. It is also presented in a graph form which denotes the biomass present in per unit area at various trophic levels. It deals with multiple trophic levels ...
It is mainly presented in a graph form and deals with the number of individuals in per unit area. It deals with multiple trophic levels with producers forming the base and the top carnivore occurs at the tip. It is upright in shape which means ...
The ecological pyramid is defined as a graphic presentation of the ecological functions like the number of individuals in the various trophic levels. The producers form the base and the carnivore occurs at the top of food chain. These were developed by the Charles Elton. ...
The energy flow in the ecosystem is unidirectional. Sun is the main source of energy. The amount of energy received differs in amount as it depends upon the slope, cloud, latitude and pollutants present in the atmosphere. The energy received in the Varanasi of India ...
The food web is defined as a collection of food chains which are interconnected at multiple trophic levels. They form many feeding connections in the different organisms of biotic community. It increases the stability of ecosystem. It provides other source of food and allows the ...