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Foraminiferans are aquatic dwellers which have calcium shell. They have perforated chambers. Protoplasm flows out of them and form pseudopodia. They help in locomotion. Pseudopodia are of reticulopodia type. They reproduce by fission and syngamy. They have oozing material known as forminiferan ooze formed by ...

Radiolarians are free floating marine organisms. Their protoplasm is differentiated into intra and extra capsular type. Pseudopodia arise from extra capsular type and help in movement. They may be axopodia or filopodia type. Intra capsular type has nuclei and vacuoles. Binary fission and spore formation ...

Sarcodina have pseudopodia for locomotion. They also engulf food particles and live in fresh water, sea water or moist soil. Pseudopodia can be of different types such as lobopodia, axopodia, filopodia and reticulopodia. They are uni nucleate and have holozoic mode of nutrition. Unlike ...

Zooflagellate as the name suggest possess flagella for locomotion. They are uninucleate and are covered by pellicle. They reproduce asexually by binary fission. It mainly includes trypansoma, leishmania, giardia and trichomonas species. Trypansoma gambiense was discovered by Fruce. It is also known as parasite of ...

Protozoan Protists occur in various habitats like aquatic, land. They may be free living or act as a parasite. Leuwenhoek first studied it. Basically they are small, acellular organisms which occur in variety of forms. Their symmetry can be radial or bilateral. Their body organization ...

Cellular Slime Moulds are also known as Acrasiomycetes. They normally occur in humus containing soil. Their somatic phase consists of uninucleate cells known as myxamoebae. They are amoeba like cells without any cell wall. They have plasma membrane and they feed on bacteria. They have ...

Acellular slime moulds are referred as Plasmodia slime moulds. They are found in decayed material in vegetable. A free living somatic phase of this type of slime mould is known as Plasmodium. Plasmodium is multi nucleate and is colored. It possesses number of branches referred ...

Consumer Decomposer protists are slime moulds. They are connecting link between animal and fungi. They are also known as Myxomycota. Some authors also describe them protistan fungi. They have cell membrane without cell walls. They do not have chlorophyll. As they have no chlorophyll they ...

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